USER NOTICE & LEGAL DISCLAIMER: We do our best to make the most accurate directory of qualified dental professionals and offices. However, we do not represent the listed members are the best of all dental professionals and/or offices. The members in our directory must have accepted either a paid membership or a free membership to be included on the directory, i.e. a dental professional and/or office not listed does not suggest that they are not more or less qualified it just means that the dental professional and/or office may not have accepted membership to this organization. We do not represent the best selection on this directory to be the only dental professional and/or office you can choose from but is based off of qualified dental professional and/or office that we have researched and that have accepted nomination. This directory should be utilized as a supplement to your own research, and we do not endorse, warrant the work of or representation of, and/or product of any member listed on this website. Additionally, higher populace areas and or larger geographic regions may be broken down into region(s) to more directly reflect the dental professional/firms in the area that the consumer/patient may be searching. It is the responsibility of the consumer/patient to pick the dental professional and/or office that is right for them based on their own research as a whole and their specific need(s) and this website should only be used as a supplement to that research. If you feel that you received a nomination in error, that something is not correct on the directory or website, have new information, and/or have information that you feel we may not have considered please email us at We take into consideration, but do not limit to in our research online reviews, other awards, years practicing, years specializing if applicable, education, speaking engagements, etc. This list is not exhaustive, and we may take into consideration other factors. We ask that any member or nominee with information that is new or we may not have considered notify us immediately at so that we may reevaluate the nomination and/or directory listing.